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News - Rok 2010

PF 2011

PF 2011

20.12.2010  Marry Christmas and Happy New Year! LGBTIQ komunity were children once, too...

Announcement of the International Animated Film Competition

Announcement of the International Animated Film Competition

4.10.2010  Create a short animated films and get a financial reward.

Feminist festival in Sweden

Feminist festival in Sweden

14.7.2010  In the Swedish city of Goteborg will be held from Thursday to Sunday (September 3 to 5) feminist festival where you can participate too.

Gossip Freedom Night

Gossip Freedom Night

13.6.2010  FN will take part in the rythm of this fabulous band on Friday June 18th. This ladies night starts at 9pm and you can expect a crazy night with DJs Henriette and Femme.


19.5.2010  Freedom Night, start 21h club Friends, Bartolomějská 11, Pague 1.



8.5.2010  IMPORTANT: Information about the eLnadruhou VOLUNTEERS´ MEETING

Deadline extended MSAF!

Deadline extended MSAF!

20.4.2010  Deadline International Animated Film Competition has been extended to 5 May 2010. More about the competition please go to contest rules.



19.4.2010  Will be on Friday 23. 4. 2010 start 21h klub Friends (Bartolomějská 11, Praha 1).

New Partner L2 - Piros Valasske Mezirici

New Partner L2 - Piros Valasske Mezirici

17.4.2010  L2 gained another partner with whom will participate in activities that support the LGBT community and its integration into mainstream society.

Press Release: L2 attended the 11th annual NGO market

Press Release: L2 attended the 11th annual NGO market

16.4.2010  16.4.2010 On Friday, the civic association eLnadruhou attended the 11th Volume NGO NGO Market, held organizations Forum 2000



15.4.2010  The festival has been updated and added to the price of admission.

eLnadruhou on Facebook as well!

eLnadruhou on Facebook as well!

12.4.2010  Since today you can find us on Facebook as well!

Festival Program

Festival Program

11.4.2010  the official program 6 eLnadruhou year - not just lesbian cultural festival published.

Queer Noir

Queer Noir

6.4.2010  Dear friends, I would like to invite zou for a lecture of prof. Richard Dyer QUEER NOIR.



14.3.2010  Ladies and Ladies, the Day D is here, lets call it MFN day - Miss Freedom Night - lets vote for the best lady of all.

London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is coming!

London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival is coming!

2.3.2010  "gay Christmas" 2010 will be running in London from 17th to 31st of March 2010. The South bank of the river Thames shall become a gay planet once again.



16.2.2010  Again we bring you information on the FN, which will start this Friday, the 19th 2nd Prague.

ANSY DANCE - Ultimate Dance classes for LGBTIQ

ANSY DANCE - Ultimate Dance classes for LGBTIQ

1.2.2010  From 4 March 2010 will be able to learn to dance and lesbians and gays. These specialized and truly unique gay dance classes will be held in the ballroom on the 40th Vinohradská. In PANS Dance, known as courses, you will learn the standard and Latin-Ameri

Homophobia - A Handbook for Teachers

25.1.2010  Homophobia - A Handbook for Teachers Today was officially unveiled at a press conference guide for teachers and teachers in elementary and secondary school pupil called Homophobia in the team which we would like this opportunity to introduce.

Black and White Freedom Night

Black and White Freedom Night

19.1.2010  This year we will try to inform you about Freedom Night. First this year is in the style of white, black.

Homosexuality and Art in Ceske Budejovice

Homosexuality and Art in Ceske Budejovice

6.1.2010  Who have not seen a unique exhibition of Homosexuality and art, so has another possibility- in Ceske Budejovice. It will be held from Friday the 8th January 2010 in the Research Library.

List and registers responsible registry office in the CR for the RP

List and registers responsible registry office in the CR for the RP

5.1.2010  As soon as the second report in 2010 will bring much needed list of registers for registered partnership, which will always find you if necessary due Mild S.

Statistics of registered partnerships

Statistics of registered partnerships

5.1.2010  Milda Šlehofer sent us the complete statistics of registered partnerships in the Czech Republic, as they regularly only since the beginning of the monitoring and updating every six months. Thank you and honestly publishes the information as 1 message in a

Celkem 23 položek

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